Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Mountains, mountains and more mountains

I have been trying to convince Graziella to sell our house and move here to Albertville, but she said she likes her job too much.  I bet she would move if it was named Graziellaville!  Graziella said that we would never get sick of looking at the mountains.  She was right!  It is hard to believe that we still get a thrill each time we turn the corner and see another majestic mountain range.


It is hard to believe but these four pictures are just one panoramic view
of just one field in just one small part of France.

Any resonable offers will be accepted for 677 Churchill Place.



  1. Buy a house and I will visit all the time :)

  2. I'll give you $89,000 for your house here. Final offer.

  3. Josh you can come anytime and Mark put a 3 in front and it is a done deal!
